Tips to make bras last longer

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Bras are expensive! We can’t do without bras, well mostly at least! I know you agree with both statements and you wish there was a way to make your bras last longer. So, here are 4 easy tips to follow to give a longer life to your bras.

Keep a rotation

If you have a bra that you find yourself wearing every second day, it is time to go shopping! Get at least three pairs of your favourite bra. Wearing the same bra, without washing, every alternate day would cause harm to both your bra and your health. Make a note!

Wash thoroughly

What do you mean? Don’t we all wash our clothes? Well, we are emphasizing the fact that you need to wash them ‘thoroughly’. Hand wash them or dump them in your washing machine but make sure to get all the dirt off them. Use extra detergent if needed.

Hang them in sunlight

It is quintessential to dry all types of undergarments in the sunlight to make sure any and all kinds of bacteria are killed. Drying indoors is not always enough.

Know when to replace

You could follow the best tips and hacks to make your bras last longer but that’s all that you can do. There would be a time to replace it and you should know when to let go.

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